Things Will Change The Way You Approach Accountant Adelaide

and  there’s different ways that we’re going Accountant Adelaide to do that and so we’re going to drill  down on that tonight so let’s talk about  um if you if you’re going to have a  presence on Facebook how should you how  should you spend your time which is your  focus be on facebook and I’ll let you go  first Alan say what you would like about  that  yeah I assuming in for business yeah

  yeah yeahs business yeah well you your  um it used to be the real the only real  place you could kind of plant your seed  for your business was your page your  business page um we could of course  adapt the group function for that as  well but since your page is more of a  place to share content and if people  learn and not really engage back it’s  probably

not the group function is  better for something like Odie’s on  facebook it’s not as great for a  business now you have you have your page  and your Facebook live and you can of  course do them together as well so it’s  a richer place to share content so  building your page i think is and has  been probably the best place to spend  your time and energy i would say second  to that would be using facebook ads  which for a long time i wasn’t a fan of  but now based on the sheer volume and  the success I’ve had i advertised some  of the content that

i create and put on  my facebook page and so we’re even  posting on the page either advertising  what we post on the page usually that’s  it for us and Justin what do you want to  add to that I think that you know the  top ten is the safety blake number one  in the top is that they just don’t know  how to format and utilize state for pace  so facebook recently has changed the  page design yet again on within the last  to me it’s not maybe a month or so I  everything things

like a couple weeks  came in trouble with at this point of  half a month facebook has redesigned the  layout for beta so going through and  making sure that your pages are still  working well to design format and 

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